Apply for funding
How we work
The Crespo Foundation runs own programmes and supports third-party projects and organisations. The foundation actively researches partner organisations and commits to long-term partnerships in order to achieve common objectives.
What we fund
The Crespo Foundation aims to support the development of creativity and trust in one's own potential. We empower people to actively assume responsibility for the future and to contribute to a humane and open society. We focus on the interdependent fields of cultural and social issues.
In particular, we support organisations and projects in the following fields:
Education and Empowerment (social issues)
Cultural Education and Arts (cultural issues)
What we do not fund
Personal scholarships
Individual support, e. g. in case of medical conditions
Construction of buildings, investments, purchase of equipment
Running infrastructure costs
Commercial endeavours or organisations
Projects or funding commitments without a fixed time limit
Funding of endeavours already begun at the time of application
Printing costs, purchase of art objects