26. September 2023

The shortlist for the 2023 WORTMELDUNGEN Ulrike Crespo Förderpreis has been announced!

Ten short literary texts have been nominated for this prize honouring talented new authors from among the 560 submissions.

If insufficient knowledge isn’t the reason for the alarming state of affairs today, it might well be insufficient imagination instead. What kind of language, and what kind of stories and images do you use to let people experience the approaching crises and tipping points?’ This was the question posed by Judith Schalansky, winner of the 2023 WORTMELDUNGEN Literaturpreis, as the theme for submissions to the young talent award.

More than 560 up-and-coming authors who have not yet published their own literature in book form submitted unpublished texts written in German, reacting to the ‘tipping point’ phenomenon in very different ways. Ten authors have now been shortlisted from among them for the new talent award.

Sebastian Behr (Leipzig): Uga

Clemens Böckmann (Leipzig): how i missed the war

Nicole Collignon (Vienna): Dinge, die passieren und passiert sind (Things that are happening and happened)

Giorgio Ferretti (Leipzig): Übergesetzung (Transplacement)

Clara Heinrich (Gols): Puszta

Louise Kenn (Berlin): Baby, be my technofix

Simone Saftig (Düsseldorf): EVOLUTION EXECUTION

Stav Yehiel Szir (Berlin): Kawana

Anile Tmava (Berlin): Sollbruch & Krise: Über die Unmöglichkeit des Paradieses (Breaking point and crisis: the impossibility of paradise)

Theresia Töglhofer (Berlin): Unendliche Angst (Infinite fear)

The jury is set to announce the three prizewinners at the start of November. The new talent award will be presented on 24 Nov. 2023 as part of an evening of readings with all the authors.

The members of the jury are Maryam Aras (literature critic), Anna Jung (programme director, Voland & Quist), Martin Kordic (editor, Carl Hanser Verlag), Anja Utler (poet) and Jan Valk (programme director for German literature, Kiepenheuer & Witsch).

About Wortmeldungen

WORTMELDUNGEN is a Crespo Foundation programme. The WORTMELDUNGEN Ulrike Crespo Literaturpreis for short pieces of critical writing is awarded annually by the foundation. This 35,000-euro prize is bestowed for exceptional short literary texts that address current socio-political issues.

The associated Förderpreis is an award for new talent worth a total of 15,000 euros. It seeks to inspire young authors to create their own literary response to the issue raised by the winning literature prize.
